Typical HVAC Problems and How To Address Them

Typical HVAC Problems and How To Address Them

Nearly 84% of the homes in America have an HVAC system. Keeping this system in good working order will require the help of experienced professionals. Taking the time to assess the functionality and efficiency of your HVAC unit is a great way to spot repair issues early on.

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If you do come across air conditioner repair problems, hiring reputable Jacksonville area technicians to fix them is a must. Here are some of the most common HVAC repair issues you may face and how to properly address them.

The HVAC Unit Will Only Produce Lukewarm Air

During the hot summer months, you will need your HVAC unit to run at peak performance. Among the most common air conditioner repair issue you will face is low refrigerant. If your unit is only producing lukewarm air, chances are it needs to have refrigerant added to it.

The best way to address this is by calling in a Jacksonville area HVAC repair company. They will be able to check the refrigerant level with specialized gauges. If there is a leak, then these professionals can find it and fix it in a hurry. The longer you wait to get this issue handled, the harder it will be to reduce the damage done to your unit.

The Unit Will Not Stay On

Is your unit coming on and cutting off rapidly? This type of air conditioner repair issue can be caused by a variety of different problems. The first thing a certified HVAC technician will do when trying to diagnose this issue is to check the air filter.

If this filter is clogged, it will prohibit the unit from getting the proper amount of air flow. This lack of air flow will lead to the unit cutting off due to overheating. You can avoid this issue by checking and changing your air filter on a regular basis.

Are you experiencing air conditioner repair issues? You can contact us now to find out how we can help you get these problems resolved.

